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      -*- recursive timestamp grep -*-

*** Description:

rtgrep is a bash script which searches for all files located in the current directory or a given base directory which were created or modified within a given time period. The search can be recursive, and you can specify a pattern to be matched in the file contents.

*** Installation:

Download the latest tarball.
Untar the tarball ($ tar xzvf rtgrep-x.x.tar.gz) somewhere in your filesystem.

$ cd rtgrep-x.x/
$ chmod +x rtgrep

For a local installation:

$ cp rtgrep ~/bin

For a system wide installation:

$ su -
$ cp /PATHTO/rtgrep-x.x/rtgrep /usr/bin/

That's all!

*** Usage:

$ rtgrep [-r] [-b BASEDIR] [-p PATTERN] -d DATERANGE

The -d DATERANGE option is mandatory.
The -r option stands for recursive.
The DATERANGE is in the format mmm/dd/yyyy-MMM/DD/YYYY, where mmm and MMM are the short english names of the months (ie: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun and so on...).
The pattern is case sensitive and must be in the standard grep syntax (a regular expression).

*** Known bugs:

None yet...
... well, if we don't consider the problems with very ugly file/dir names (eg: "Ugly!\ Isn\'t\ it?").


All the bugs present (related to dir/file names) in the 1.0 release were fixed. The first tarball of the 1.1 version contained a script that didn't work at all. Uploaded a new one. THIS ONE WORKS AND ROCKS!

*** License:

                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
                       Version 2, June 1991

 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
                       59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

And so on...

See the COPYING file in the tarball.

*** Feedback:


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